Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the NUCS Challenger Fall 2024 tournament for the age group.
U4 8 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 4001 NUCS Challenger
U4-C - (Durham, Alden)
0526-01RB04-4101   Mark Durham
 4002 NUCS Challenger
U4-C - (Fruehan, Samantha)
0526-01RB04-4107   Samantha Fruehan
 4003 NUCS Challenger
U4-C - (Heise, Luis)
0526-01RB04-4102   Luis Heise
 4010 NUCS Challenger
U4-C - (Jackson, Nate)
0526-01RB04-4108   Nate Jackson
 4011 NUCS Challenger
U4-C - (Johnson, Shandon)
0526-01RB04-4103   Shandon Johnson
 4012 NUCS Challenger
U4-C - (Kjar, Kaleb)
0526-01RB04-4104   Kaleb Kjar
 4013 NUCS Challenger
U4-C - (Rust, Kennedy)
0526-01RB04-4105   Kennedy Rust
 4014 NUCS Challenger
U4-C - (Wright, Michael)
0526-01RB04-4106   Michael Wright